Jay McInerney Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Jay McInerney quotes and sayings page 2 (70 year old writer). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 38 we have for him.

Jay McInerney Quotes
“You know, I'm always surprised when I read profiles, and they make me sound so jaded. I am so not jaded.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“A creative writing program is only as good as its teachers, and I was fortunate in having two great writers as mentors.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“I envy those writers who outline their novels, who know where they're going. But I find writing is a process of discovery.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“I like the fact that I'm living in the world rather than in a university.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“I remain a fan of my friend Bret Easton Ellis's 'American Psycho.' I think as a book about New York in the '80s it was pretty excellent.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“I'm a romantic; you have to be to marry four times.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“Mine is not an autonomous imagination.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“My former wife is a very eccentric woman, which is why I still love her.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“'Socialist' is the nastiest thing you can say about an American politician in some quarters.”
Jay McInerney Quotes
“We've been hearing about the death of the novel ever since the day after Don Quixote was published.”

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