Jennifer Granholm Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Jennifer Granholm quotes and sayings page 8 (66 year old politician). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 88 we have for her.

Jennifer Granholm Quotes
“Public service used to be the highest of callings, until people like Madame Voldemort vilified it.”
Jennifer Granholm Quotes
“Today in America we are no more 'post-racial' than we are 'post-partisan.' We have a long way to go.”
“Republicans are definitely pro-birth - they'll do everything they can to make sure that that baby comes out, regardless of how it got in, but are they pro-life? Can you be pro-life and vote to cut funding that supports the life of a child?”
“I have a problem with Mitt Romney. And it's big problem - one that extends beyond our ideological differences. My big concern is that Mitt Romney wants to become president for no other reason than because there's a possibility he can win.”
Jennifer Granholm Quotes
“I understand that Republicans-running-against-Obamacare-in-order-to-save-Medicare is a clever jujitsu. But how long will they play out that argument before they get back to the economy?”
“Now, we love our auto industry. But if we had worked harder on diversifying this economy long ago, then if one of the legs of the stool starts to get wobbly, at least you've got three other legs to stand on.”
Jennifer Granholm Quotes
“That's one of the most exciting things about Michigan's future. We need to, we must capitalize on our alternative-energy vehicles that we can produce right here.”
Jennifer Granholm Quotes
“The problem with the auto industry is layered upon the lack of consumer confidence. People are not buying cars. I don't care whether they're or American cars, or international cars.”
Jennifer Granholm Quotes
“We aren't leveraging this great economic engine, the strongest economy in the world. And yet we have this totally weak response. We import $500 billion a year more in products than we export.”
Jennifer Granholm Quotes
“If you opened up every single potential drilling opportunity in the United States, it would have the effect of lowering gas prices three cents, maybe. And that's because, of course, oil is traded on a global market.”

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