Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes & Sayings

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11 most famous Jennifer Westfeldt quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 54 year old American actress born on Feb 2, 1971.

Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“Dogs just need you and love, that's all.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“As an actor, I've always been interested in making sure I can perform the role and the lines in the way the writer intended.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“I guess what I learned about myself is I'm a bit of a socialist; I want everyone on the set to get equal treatment and credit.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“I always cry at weddings; they're beautiful, and I'm always moved.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“I seem to only write New York stories because it's the only thing that inspires or interests me.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“I think film is collaboration, and I always want to hear everyone's input.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“I'm not a parent yet, but I feel like a kid needs to be loved.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“I'm pretty much honest to a fault. It's my best and my worst quality.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“My mom and my stepdad are both therapists.”
Jennifer Westfeldt Quotes
“Well, you know, I'm quite a reluctant writer. I'm not someone who set out to be a writer or really wanted to be.”

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