Jim Brown Quotes & Sayings

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38 most famous Jim Brown quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's an 89 year old American athlete born on Feb 17, 1936.

Jim Brown Quotes
“I'm not interested in trying to work on people's perceptions. I am who I am, and if you don't take the time to learn about that, then your perception is going to be your problem.”
Jim Brown Quotes
“It is up to God to take revenge. Only God can judge. I don't have to worry about getting even with anybody or taking out any kind of aggression on anybody. Doing that is a weakness, anyway.”
Jim Brown Quotes
“I'm a very sensitive person. I do like to be respected. I'm very loyal. I like it to be a two-way street.”
“Even though the money is great and the fame is great, you still have a lot of disenfranchised young men that are participating in the NFL that are not very happy. A lot of them are very bitter. A lot them are very angry. So many of them have had no fathers and no home life, and basically, no education.”
“The social issues outside of football are not as defined as they were earlier, when integration took place and certain rights were legislated. The Civil Rights movement is over. Individuals can buy homes wherever they want, travel first class wherever they want, eat wherever they want.”
Jim Brown Quotes
“I loved the game. We played because we loved it.”
“Everybody does good things, but I'm talking about making major changes in the educational system that would impact an entire race. I'm talking about stopping these young gang members from killing one another. I'm talking about keeping prisons from overflowing.”
Jim Brown Quotes
“When you have a problem, rules don't solve your problem. It's caring and education.”
Jim Brown Quotes
“A liberal will cut off your leg so he can hand you a crutch.”
Jim Brown Quotes
“The truth is that politicians are basically tied to trying to get reelected, so they can't really make landmark changes.”

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