Joan Cusack Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Joan Cusack quotes and sayings page 4 (61 year old actress). These are the last 9 out of 39 quotes we have for her.

Joan Cusack Quotes
“In L.A., it's easy to get caught up in what you look like or how much money you have, and those aren't values I want my kids to adopt.”
Joan Cusack Quotes
“A relationship is hard in and of itself. And having kids is really hard work, but I think it's really meaningful, as is a relationship. But they all take work.”
“Because I don't think it's very healthy to hold people to idealized views. I think that's a certain stage in life, something kids do. You have to go through that idealistic phase with your parents, but at a certain point, you need to see people as just people.”
Joan Cusack Quotes
“Can they do both? That's a huge balance, I think, with kids- trying to find the right- it's everything, you know, it's social life, it's academics, it's sports.”
“Every week it's another opportunity to really make that work and figure out how to make it work better. And I love that it's like theater, too, and the audience, and it's so short. It's only 20 minutes. It's like a haiku or something.”
“I love Chicago. It's such a great town, and it's got great culture and great history, and it's not as extreme as LA or New York, and it's just- it's hard for me for work, because I don't live and work in the same place and that's tough. But I'm- I love it.”
Joan Cusack Quotes
“I mean that I think I find the psychology of people more interesting than politics. I think the psychology of politics is more interesting than straight politics.”
“I think us gals need to stay in and just change the way it works, so men aren't being workaholics and avoiding life and relationships, and they can make films in a reasonable amount of time, so you can have a family and a life outside of work. And have more balanced, content-driven, enjoyable movies.”
“If you do television, and it's great, it's the best job there is. Every week it's another opportunity to really make that work and figure out how to make it work better. I love that it's like theater too, and the audience, and it's so short, like twenty minutes... It's like a Haiku or something.”

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