Johnny Maestro full name
John Peter Mastrangelo
Johnny Maestro nicknames
The Crests,
The Brooklyn Bridge,
The Del-Satins
Johnny Maestro birthplace
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Johnny Maestro date of birth
May 7, 1939
Johnny Maestro date of death
March 24, 2010
Johnny Maestro location of death
Cape Coral, Florida, USA
Johnny Maestro cause of death
Johnny Maestro zodiac
Johnny Maestro ethnicity / ethnic background
Johnny Maestro nationality
Johnny Maestro religion
Was Johnny Maestro gay?
Not available
Johnny was born on Manhattan's Lower East Side (not Brooklyn). He was 5' 6" tall and his hair was silvery gray. He was a Catholic and his ancestry was Italian. Johnny had been married twice and had three children and four grandchildren.
Topaz, President of Johnny's Fan Club (JohnnyMaestroFans on Yahoo!)