Juan Vargas Quotes & Sayings

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3 most famous Juan Vargas quotes and sayings (politician).

“Jesus kinda fools around and gives you parables. He doesn't oftentimes say exactly what he means. But in Matthew 25, he's very, very clear. And he delineates what it takes to get into the Kingdom of Heaven very, very clearly. And he says how you treat the least among us, the least of our brothers, that's how you treat Him.”
Juan Vargas Quotes
“A lot of our so-called Latino leaders are gutless. I talk to these cry-baby Latino leaders, and they say they can't win elections until Latinos are a majority.”
Juan Vargas Quotes
“Politics is not an obsession with me. It's something I'm doing now. I want to do good things, but if it doesn't work out for me, I'll go on to something else.”

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