Kevin Kline Quotes & Sayings

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22 most famous Kevin Kline quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 76 year old American actor born on Oct 24, 1947.

Kevin Kline Quotes
“Nothing makes an actor feel freer and more inventive and more creative than being trusted.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“I've got the Jewish guilt and the Irish shame and it's a hell of a job distinguishing which is which.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“When you have satire, it has to be real. No matter how outrageous the comedy becomes, you have to believe in the characters.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“But, I do think, on a very simplistic level, that we can project onto dogs because they are so innocent. They don't come with a lot of baggage.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“I vowed I would never do a commercial, or a soap opera - both of which I did as soon as I left the Acting Company and was starving.”
“We're all animals, but we're a different sort of animal. Maybe they're better than us. They're more loyal. They're more pure. They're more simple. They're not neurotic. Well, there are some neurotic dogs.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“I never went to class. That the university graduated me at all is an indictment of our educational system.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“I think every American actor wants to be a movie star. But I never wanted to do stupid movies, I wanted to do films.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“I'm a real pushover for animals.”
Kevin Kline Quotes
“I've never felt completely satisfied with what I've done. I tend to see things too critically. I'm trying to get over that.”

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