Kin Hubbard Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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Kin Hubbard quotes and sayings page 7 (journalist). These are the last 6 out of 66 quotes we have.

Kin Hubbard Quotes
“It isn't enough for you to love money - it's also necessary that money should love you.”
Kin Hubbard Quotes
“After a fellow gets famous it doesn't take long for someone to bob up that used to sit by him in school.”
Kin Hubbard Quotes
“It's what a fellow thinks he knows that hurts him.”
Kin Hubbard Quotes
“If there's anything a public servant hates to do it's something for the public.”
Kin Hubbard Quotes
“Being an optimist after you've got everything you want doesn't count.”
“As to those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in God's path, give them, then, the tidings of a painful agony: on a day when these things shall be heated in hell-fire, and their foreheads, and their sides, and their backs shall be branded therewith.”

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