Kristin Davis Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Kristin Davis quotes and sayings page 3 (60 year old actress). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 40 we have for her.
“As an actress, there's nothing worse than not knowing your cues.”
“I'm having a great career, though I think I'm not as good as your little scenario makes me out to be.”
“I'm just happy when people want me to work for them.”
“I probably believe in God in a non-denominational way.”
“I was very poor and I was a waitress, and it's hard to be a poor waitress in New York.”
“I'd wanted to be an actress my whole life, that was my goal, that was all I cared about.”
“This is going to sound strange, but I really didn't think I would pass 30. I don't know why or whatever, I just didn't. That's a very weird thing to say, I'm sorry. I don't know. Maybe it's because I was drinking so much as a youth.”
“If I was going to do anything, I'd be a producer, only because I'd like to have a say in what gets made and what doesn't.”
“At one point, they offered me this part to play a drug-dealing, gun-selling butch lady. I don't know how to describe her but she had like a crew cut and stuff. I was like, 'Is this a joke?' And they said, 'No, we think it would be great because everyone would be like, 'Oh, look at what we've done to Charlotte.' I was like, 'Well I can't do that!'”
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