Laura Bush Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Laura Bush quotes and sayings page 2 (77 year old first lady). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 31 we have for her.

“I mean, the part you don't like, I mean, that's the only part. That's the part no one likes, and that is the criticisms, and the unfair criticisms, I might add, of my husband. But that's also just a fact of life in politics.”
“We always get up about 5:30, and George gets up and goes in and gets the coffee and brings it to me, and that's been our ritual since we got married. And we read the newspapers in bed and drink coffee for about an hour probably, read our briefing papers.”
Laura Bush Quotes
“A love of books, of holding a book, turning its pages, looking at its pictures, and living its fascinating stories goes hand-in-hand with a love of learning.”
Laura Bush Quotes
“We can overcome evil with greater good.”
Laura Bush Quotes
“Though my plans at the moment are vague, I can assure you that I'll never run for the Senate in New York.”
Laura Bush Quotes
“I like politics. I like traveling in the United States.”
Laura Bush Quotes
“I don't really feel like I have to have a debate with my husband over issues.”
Laura Bush Quotes
“It's not easy to have the job of president. It's not easy to run for it. And it's not a job for the feint of heart.”
Laura Bush Quotes
“But we talk about issues, we talk about people, we talk about personalities. George is a very good reader of people, and he's very perceptive about people, and you know, that's fine.”
“I mean, it's fun for us to talk about issues. You know, there's no one issue we spend a lot of time on probably, because he gets to do that all day with somebody else who's a lot more expert at issues than I am.”

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