Leslie Caron Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Leslie Caron quotes and sayings page 3 (93 year old actress). These are the last 6 out of 26 quotes we have for her.

Leslie Caron Quotes
“There were many good actresses in my time like Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds, but I was the only dancer.”
Leslie Caron Quotes
“We were all ruled by the studio system. I signed a contract for seven years.”
Leslie Caron Quotes
“When I did small films like Lily and Buenos Vista, everyone thought my career would be ruined.”
Leslie Caron Quotes
“I seemed to belong to three countries: I had an apartment in Paris, a house in Hollywood, and when I married British theater director Peter Hall, I moved to London.”
Leslie Caron Quotes
“I know a lot of Americans in Paris who have married Frenchmen. They keep bringing up their experience, the clash of civilizations, the clash of personalities.”
Leslie Caron Quotes
“I was trying to be very at ease in this arrogant person, and very worldly, but something human came into the part. I hate to say that. I wanted to be totally worldly.”

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