Linda Blair Quotes & Sayings
13 most famous Linda Blair quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 66 year old American actress born on Jan 22, 1959.
“People always joke that 'dog' spells 'god' backwards. They should consider that it might be the higher power coming down to see just how well they do, what kind of people they are. The animals are right here, right in front of us. And how we treat these companions is a test.”
“It's difficult to understand why people don't realize that pets are gifts to mankind.”
“The animals are right here, right in front of us. And how we treat these companions is a test.”
“When I was 13 I asked my mother if it was possible for this to end - I'd had enough of it. And that was right about the time that we got a call for 'The Exorcist' interview.”
“There was a golden retriever who saved countless lives on September 11 by going back in to find people. His companion was in a wheelchair. He got him out and kept going back in to save others.”
“If I had children, I would be very selfish. I wouldn't be out doing things. But by not having kids, it makes me freer to travel the world and talk about things I feel are important.”
“I was so sad from losing two of my dogs and my mother. I had this vision of all these animals sitting behind bars. They had no control and were scared. That's why I got into fostering and adopting animals out.”
“One of the reasons I don't have kids is because I think people would have been very unfair to them. Think of it. You're still asking me questions about The Exorcist.”
“Of all the projects I've worked on, I've never worked with another director like Billy Friedkin. I think he's a genius.”
“The Exorcist has been a very interesting cross to bear.”
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