Lulu Quotes & Sayings

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15 most famous Lulu quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 75 year old Scottish musician born on Nov 3, 1948.

“Time Bomb encapsulates everything I have learned over the years and wished I could find in a capsule collection. It's the absolute best skincare and body products I could envisage - and I am fussy. I am now able to indulge my love of beauty products and call it research.”
Lulu Quotes
“For young people, it doesn't matter so much, but when you're older, less is definitely more - too much make-up can give you the 'eccentric Aunt Sally' look!”
“I feel I have been protected all my life. I am still here, for God's sake, and a lot of my contemporaries have gone. I'm very fortunate. No matter the difficulties - and we all have difficulties - I am definitely one of the fortunate ones. If I have any really good characteristics, one is that I am resilient.”
“I have a crush on Steve Tyler. He's funny, he rocks, and has a voice like a god. There is another one who I have discovered can sing. I should try and make an album with him... it's Barack Obama!”
“I am always keen to discover something new, but my advice is always to exfoliate. Get rid of those dead, dry cells; then the new skin is ready for moisturising, and you find your inner dewy, youthful glow. It's in there somewhere.”
“Self-indulgence is something to watch, but anything that helps you understand situations that are difficult to understand is good. If you're having some sort of emotional trauma, you need to find a person to talk to about it who says, 'This is quite normal; it's fine.'”
Lulu Quotes
“For me, it's more about keeping it simple with a rock and roll edge. It's all about accessorising.”
“Because I've been around forever and ever, like wallpaper, people ask me for secrets... it's the same with my skin care range; that's out of necessity. As soon as I saw the first signs, I bought everything in the market.”
“Because of the shape of my eyes, I can wear a lot of make-up. I can do a smoky look in the evening, but in the day I wear a lot less. Most women don't deal with lip pencils - they have been given a bad name, but are essential, especially as we get older.”
“'Boom Bang a Bang' was a huge part of me, maybe a part that I didn't relish, and there might be psychological reasons for that - I was a child being made to do things I didn't want to do. I was perhaps an elitist, a bit of a snob.”

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