Marc Faber Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Marc Faber quotes and sayings page 3 (businessman). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 50 we have.

Marc Faber Quotes
“When everyone thinks alike, no one is thinking clearly.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“Every central banker in the world pays attention to credit growth, but not in the U.S.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“I don't particularly like equities, but I think equities are a better space to be in than bonds.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“I would rather buy Indian equities than the S&P 500.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“I'm an economist. I'm not a political servant.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“If you really believe that every three years the market will double, then go and buy shares. I don't believe that.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“If you're in any field, you should own a farm because one day you will be grateful that you are able to grow your own agricultural produce.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“Market forces will one day crush the Federal Reserve. One day, the market forces will reverse.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“My worst investment decision so far is to lend money to friends. So far, it has all come to zero.”
Marc Faber Quotes
“Over my career, somewhere, somehow I must've made some right calls. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in business.”

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