Marcel Duchamp Quotes & Sayings

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7 most famous Marcel Duchamp quotes and sayings. He was a French artist who passed away on 2 October, 1968.

Marcel Duchamp Quotes
“I am interested in ideas, not merely in visual products.”
Marcel Duchamp Quotes
“I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste.”
Marcel Duchamp Quotes
“I don't believe in art. I believe in artists.”
Marcel Duchamp Quotes
“Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another.”
Marcel Duchamp Quotes
“Living is more a question of what one spends than what one makes.”
Marcel Duchamp Quotes
“I am still a victim of chess. It has all the beauty of art - and much more. It cannot be commercialized. Chess is much purer than art in its social position.”
Marcel Duchamp Quotes
“The individual, man as a man, man as a brain, if you like, interests me more than what he makes, because I've noticed that most artists only repeat themselves.”

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