Mark Leyner Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Mark Leyner quotes and sayings page 2 (author). These are the last 3 out of 13 quotes we have.

Mark Leyner Quotes
“'Et Tu, Babe' was born out of my absolute certainty that a writer's life was solitary and insular, and I was happy with that. I love reading and writing; it's my whole life.”
“People really want to believe that there is no fiction. I think they find it much easier to imagine that novelists are writing memoirs, writing about their lives, because it's difficult to conceive that there's a great imaginary life in which you can participate.”
Mark Leyner Quotes
“Sometimes I think my purpose is as a saboteur when I'm working with other people, derailing what they're trying to do or taking things to a ludicrous extremity.”

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