Martin Parr Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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Martin Parr quotes and sayings page 7 (photographer). Here's quote # 61 through 70 out of the 71 we have.

Martin Parr Quotes
“Places change all the time, and the type of people who live there change.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“The idea of England in decline is very attractive.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“The trouble with Hollywood films is that they always have a pleasant ending.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“TV-makers usually don't know much about photography.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“When I fly British Airways, I can't help but read the free Daily Mail, which makes me glad I am leaving the country.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“You can't shoot in sepia, so converting into black and white and then into brown makes everything feel less real.”
“If you go to the supermarket and buy a package of food and look at the photo on the front, the food never looks like that inside, does it? That is a fundamental lie we are sold every day.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“As we travel around Britain, I am convinced most of us cannot really appreciate what we are seeing. We take too much for granted, because it is all so familiar.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“I pride myself in being an aficionado of the British seaside. Throughout my career, I have visited and worked in many of the famous British resorts, from Great Yarmouth to Largs.”
Martin Parr Quotes
“One of the things I regret is that magazines now are so lifestyle-orientated that the opportunity to do bigger projects is gone. This is a serious misjudgment on the part of magazine editors.”

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