Matthew Vaughn Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Matthew Vaughn quotes and sayings page 3 (53 year old producer). These are the last 9 out of 29 quotes we have for him.
“I'll never be a good writer, and no chance of being a good actor.”
“I'm as conservative as they come.”
“I'm not a member of a minority but I can empathize with what's going on.”
“It's a juggernaut, yeah... but I'm not phased by making movies.”
“So I am concerned about the amount of time we have to make it, cause it doesn't matter how much money you have, you can't create more time.”
“So I think I sometimes will put a cliche in and then just pad it out so you're not noticing.”
“You either ignore the comic book and make a great movie or you stay very close to the comic book.”
“You need cliches. Cliches are what people respond to.”
“Being a producer, I deal with a lot of different directors, and some of them would drive me insane with all the different histrionics, and the mystique that they carry.”
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