Melody Beattie Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Melody Beattie quotes and sayings page 3 (writer). These are the last 8 out of 28 quotes we have.

Melody Beattie Quotes
“What do you do when life blindfolds you and spins you around? We think it's our fault, that we're to blame, when really we should be focused on being gentle with ourselves.”
Melody Beattie Quotes
“Twelve-step promotes spirituality, not religion. It gives a practical, day-to-day spirituality that tells me what I can and cannot control. There is room to be imperfect and to be someone who struggles to find God.”
Melody Beattie Quotes
“According to some Eastern religion, there is a belt that goes across the world, and I've heard that Minnesota is right in the heart of this spiritual-creative belt of energy.”
Melody Beattie Quotes
“Few things can frustrate us more than trying to make a person someone he or she isn't; we feel crazy when we try to pretend that person is someone he or she is not.”
“I gave three years of my life to take care of my dying mother who had Alzheimer's disease. Being there for her every need for three years might have looked codependent but it wasn't because it was what I wanted to do.”
Melody Beattie Quotes
“I used to be afraid of pain, didn't take a lot of risks, especially in love. I'm not as afraid anymore. I'm more spontaneous, more likely to say what I think.”
Melody Beattie Quotes
“Guilt can stop us from taking healthy care of ourselves.”
Melody Beattie Quotes
“Some therapists have proclaimed: 'Co-dependency is anything, and everyone is co-dependent.'”

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