Michael Caine Quotes & Sayings (Page 8)

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Michael Caine quotes and sayings page 8 (91 year old actor). Here's quote # 71 through 80 out of the 114 we have for him.

Michael Caine Quotes
“My own mentality is that I've retired. They send me these scripts and if I absolutely have to do it, then I go to work.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“People say I've 'retained' my Cockney accent. I can do any accent, but I wanted other working-class boys to know that they could become actors.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“To disappear your complete self into a character is quite difficult. I've tried it 85 times, and I've succeeded two or three times.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“You have to remember, I never became successful or wealthy till I was 30.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“Alfie was the first time I was above the title; the first time I became a star in America.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“Anyone can write. But comedy, you've got to do some writing. You get one comedy script to every 20 dramas.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“I'm a frustrated stand-up comic. If you hand me a microphone and I get one laugh, then I'll go on for 20 minutes.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“I'm the audience's representative on earth.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“Oh, what a shock. My career must be slipping. This is the first time I've been available to pick up an award.”
Michael Caine Quotes
“I am often asked which of my films has come closest to my own ideal of performance, and I always answer, 'Educating Rita.'”

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