Michael Nutter Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)
Michael Nutter quotes and sayings page 4 (politician). These are the last 9 out of 39 quotes we have.
“Philadelphians are a gritty, tough people who will help you when you're down.”
“There is no reason for a civilian to have an automatic weapon.”
“For those of us in the political business, generally, it's been pretty much an unwritten but understood rule that family and children are out of bounds, that you don't attack someone's family.”
“Part of the problem in politics is that people only look at the next four to eight years: kick the can down the road and say, 'Hey, it's the next person's problem.'”
“Somehow, someway, for some people there's an automatic assumption that a mayor who is African-American or some other elected official has to support another African-American.”
“The federal government... knows how to put a missile in someone's room half way around the world with technology. Why don't we use some of that technology to save some lives here in America?”
“To succeed in big-city politics requires a powerful, motivating vision of a better world, a plan to get there, a willingness to meet constituents on their terms, and a tough political skin.”
“We all pay federal taxes that we send to Washington and it is not unusual that as Americans we would expect some federal investment in the cities and metro areas because we're the ones that are generating the economic activity.”
“You can't really escape the fact that more reasonable gun regulations and procedures need to be in place, a strengthening and tightening of the national background check system. I don't know why any civilian would ever be able to purchase an assault weapon or the parts that go with it.”
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