Mojo Nixon Quotes & Sayings

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6 most famous Mojo Nixon quotes and sayings. He's a 67 year old American musician born on Aug 2, 1957.

Mojo Nixon Quotes
“I can't understand people calling themselves religious and being hateful. If a preacher is preaching hate, to fear God that's not religion, that's not helping humanity, that's organizing an army to defeat somebody.”
Mojo Nixon Quotes
“I graduated from college in Ohio and bummed around for a while, and then I joined VISTA, which was a domestic Peace Corps kind of thing, and they sent me to Colorado.”
Mojo Nixon Quotes
“Rave music sounds like an electronic disco version of '30s Universal monster movies.”
Mojo Nixon Quotes
“I can fall asleep at any time and wake up at any time.”
Mojo Nixon Quotes
“Me and Don Henley are fast acquaintances now, or something. He actually got on stage and sang with me.”
“That's one of the problems with making music your business, it becomes a business. You're no longer just this kid who is a fan and going to see every show. I've been in a bar every night for the last 15 years. Going to see bands for me is work.”

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