Molly Ringwald Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Molly Ringwald quotes and sayings page 3 (57 year old actress). These are the last 6 out of 26 quotes we have for her.
“I never really felt like I belonged in California.”
“I'm so associated with being young and being with a teenager.”
“When I was turning 40, I felt that there were no books out there that hit the spot in terms of what I wanted to read.”
“When you say you're 40, you can't call yourself an ingenue any more.”
“I think when people hear about a celebrity writing a book of any kind, the assumption is that it was dictated to a ghostwriter.”
“I do regret, as I described in my book, the time that I shaved off half of my eyebrows thinking that I could draw them in better - and they would grow back anyway.”
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