Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah quotes and sayings page 2 (politician). These are the last 6 out of 16 quotes we have.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quotes
“Our object should be peace within, and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quotes
“Expect the best, Prepare for the worst.”
“We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quotes
“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quotes
“You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quotes
“That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent.”

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