Ned Beauman Quotes & Sayings

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13 most famous Ned Beauman quotes and sayings (novelist). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Ned Beauman Quotes
“Just as the best way to judge an adult is by his or her record collection, the best way to judge a pub is by the albums on its jukebox.”
Ned Beauman Quotes
“I'm reasonably good at talking onstage, but actually holding court in a pub is all to do with power dynamics which I don't think has anything to do with fiction.”
Ned Beauman Quotes
“I would love to learn how to air kiss non-awkwardly.”
Ned Beauman Quotes
“The simile has to match the tone of its surroundings and has to be like a little joke. Writing a simile that isn't funny on some level is quite hard.”
“There's never a bad time to put earplugs in. They're the kind of thing you can reject as a bit lame, but somebody told me to do start wearing earplugs and it turned out to be great advice.”
Ned Beauman Quotes
“I don't have a day job, so I read any time of day.”
Ned Beauman Quotes
“I read 'The Good Soldier' by Ford Madox Ford again every so often.”
Ned Beauman Quotes
“I started my first novel when I was 10, and have produced thousands of pages of juvenilia since.”
Ned Beauman Quotes
“I'm very finicky about when I'm in the right mood to write. So most days, I find some excuse not to do anything.”
“I always save a huge book for a flight, because then you read it at both airports and on the plane and by the time you get home you're a quarter of the way through and it doesn't feel so unmanageable any more.”

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