Nellie McKay Quotes & Sayings

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33 most famous Nellie McKay quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for her. She's a 42 year old American musician born on Apr 13, 1982.

Nellie McKay Quotes
“You know, if I can survive marching band, I can survive anything.”
Nellie McKay Quotes
“Toronto's a delightful city.”
Nellie McKay Quotes
“I really don't care what people say. It's amazing that feminism continues to exist at all, considering how much counter-feminism is out there.”
Nellie McKay Quotes
“In New York City, when they develop something, they never use the old buildings. It's so wasteful. Why not use what's there?”
“If we went back to the basics of vegetables, legumes, grains - the things closer to the Earth - it's a lot better for the Earth and for other people. We can feed more people, we can feed the starving people.”
“I used to play in the subway. If everyone tossed in a quarter, at the end of the day it would add up. It shows you aren't invisible. And it's better than being ignored, or kicked in the head, or worse.”
Nellie McKay Quotes
“I'm glad if people can listen to some music and maybe fix some prejudices of their own, just by thinking.”
Nellie McKay Quotes
“I love writing for dancers. You don't have to worry about the lyrics. I think to write words without music must be so frustrating. It must be always be so good, so perfect.”
“If you look through the century, certain things have gotten better and certain things have gotten worse. I wouldn't say overall that things have gotten better. I think you could say things have gotten worse, but I don't think you could say that things have gotten better. Overall. You can't say that.”
Nellie McKay Quotes
“Music can make the cerebral accessible, the subconscious hummable. It communicates our shared needs and desires as sentient beings better than any other medium.”

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