Nelson A. Miles Quotes & Sayings

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19 most famous Nelson A. Miles quotes and sayings (soldier). These are the first 10 quotes we have.

Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“The intrusions of the white race and the non- compliance with treaty obligations have been followed by atrocities that could alone satisfy a savage and revengeful spirit.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“It is unfair to suppose that one party has invariably acted rightly, and that the other is responsible for every wrong that has been committed.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“A Christian people who have for two hundred years kept a race in bondage, deprived of the advantages of civilization and religion, owe them a debt of gratitude which it would seem ungenerous to withhold.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“Looking at the purpose of our government toward the Indians, we find that after subjugating them it has been our policy to collect the different tribes on reservations and support them at the expense of our people.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“These are hallowed moments, when every American has reason to express his gratitude to Almighty God that it has been our good fortune to witness the light of this auspicious morn.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“The more we study the Indian's character the more we appreciate the marked distinction between the civilized being and the real savage.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“Whether or not our system of Indian management has been a success during the past ten, fifty, or hundred years is almost answered in the asking.”
“On the contrary, if they are treated with justice and humanity, proper example and the advantages of education given them, the coming years will be as bright and prosperous to the unfortunate race as the past has been dark and painful.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“One hundred years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, the Spanish government issued a decree authorizing the enslavement of the American Indian as in accord with the law of God and man.”
Nelson A. Miles Quotes
“For a time during the early settlement of this country peace and goodwill prevailed, only to be followed later by violent and relentless warfare.”

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