Nick Vujicic Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Nick Vujicic quotes and sayings page 3 (clergyman). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 34 we have.

“Faith is walking by faith, not by what you feel. You are not always going to feel that Jesus loves you or that God is good, but you know He is. It is the up and down of the journey.”
“It's a form of bullying, in my opinion, to make sure that your kid gets the best grades, the best jobs and all that sort of stuff. I just want my child to be happy. I want him to do his best and trust God in the rest, but I'm not going to bully him.”
“At my funeral, if one said, 'Nick was a generous person,' trust me I won't be doing cartwheels in my coffin. Recognition from people is never and never will be a goal. Some people strive for that respect or honor. Living a life to just reach for the position and status is vanity and sin.”
Nick Vujicic Quotes
“We will fail God, we will fail our family, and our family might fail us at times, but God never fails us.”
“I think 'Jesus' is the most offensive word in anyone's life. When we mention Jesus, He is the only one who says 'I am God. I am holy. I am the only way to a truthful life.' No one - not Mohammad, not Buddha, not anyone says that they were holy, not anyone says that they were God, not anyone says that they faced the devil face to face and won.”
Nick Vujicic Quotes
“I type 40 words per minute on a normal computer with my left foot. And with two cups of coffee, I can do 53 words per minute.”
“In elementary school, we all say, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.' In high school, we should say, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, shut your mouth.' So that's what I'm telling high schools all around the world.”
“In life, if you don't know the truth, then you can't be free, because then you'll believe that the lies are the truth. But once we realize that when we read the Word of God, and you know the truth of who you are, then I'm not a man without arms and legs. I am a child of God.”
“Do you know why I love God? Because Heaven is real. And one day, when we get to Heaven, we are going to have arms and legs. And we are going to run, and we are going play, and we are going to race.”
“The greatest news that I could ever say is that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life. He is my friend. He is with me wherever I go. I'm so delighted to continue to grow in my relationship to Jesus.”

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