Noah Feldman Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Noah Feldman quotes and sayings page 3 (author). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 52 we have.

“Since the birth of modern Orthodox Judaism in 19th-century Germany, a central goal of the movement has been to normalize the observance of traditional Jewish law - to make it possible to follow all 613 biblical commandments assiduously while still participating in the reality of the modern world.”
Noah Feldman Quotes
“It is often noted that it can be hard for democracies to fight wars because of changing public opinion.”
Noah Feldman Quotes
“Mormonism was born amid secrecy, and throughout its existence as a religion it has sustained a close yet complex relationship to the arts of silence.”
Noah Feldman Quotes
“The world is full of nations that are part of the community of nations that don't respect rights.”
“Prisoners, according to the law, who are non-U.S. citizens and are detained outside the U.S. - including in Guantanamo Bay - are denied 'habeas corpus.' They are also denied the right to claim the Geneva Conventions confer certain rights on them.”
Noah Feldman Quotes
“Like many great world faiths, Mormonism has an important strand of sacred mystery. Mormon temples have traditionally been closed to outsiders and designed with opaque windows.”
“The administration of George W. Bush, emboldened by the Sept. 11 attacks and the backing of a Republican Congress, has sought to further extend presidential power over national security. Most of the expansion has taken place in secret, making Congressional or judicial supervision particularly difficult.”
Noah Feldman Quotes
“An empire that extends itself selectively is just being prudent about its own limitations. A republic that supports democratization selectively is another matter.”
Noah Feldman Quotes
“During the New Deal, people thought to be liberal was to reject socialism on one extreme and fascism on the other, and to preserve capitalism through regulation and a social safety net.”
“Every generation gets the Constitution that it deserves. As the central preoccupations of an era make their way into the legal system, the Supreme Court eventually weighs in, and nine lawyers in robes become oracles of our national identity.”

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