Nolan Bushnell Quotes & Sayings (Page 7)

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Nolan Bushnell quotes and sayings page 7 (82 year old businessman). These are the last 7 out of 67 quotes we have for him.

“Remember that we can only in our forebrains handle 5-7 items. Our backbrains can handle massive amounts. So when you're given a problem, think about it before you go sleep, and chances are you can solve it by the next morning.”
Nolan Bushnell Quotes
“I was actually the manager of the games department of an amusement park when I was at college, so I understood the coin-op side of the games business very well.”
Nolan Bushnell Quotes
“Sometimes when you hire people who have to pass a Mr. Congeniality test, you end up losing some of the non-conformists who will give you different views and perspectives.”
“The subtle generational cues that make one thing cool and another uncool aren't always obvious to a parent. My children are my dinner-table sounding board. I've come up with some wonderful ideas that they universally dismissed as 'lame.'”
Nolan Bushnell Quotes
“I'm glad to see the casual game play coming back now on the Internet, games that aren't violent, that aren't complex that you can sit down and you can have some fun.”
“In 1980, Atari was bringing in around two billion dollars in revenue and Chuck E. Cheese's some five hundred million. I still didn't feel too bad that I had turned down a one-third ownership of Apple - although I was beginning to think it might turn out to be a mistake.”
Nolan Bushnell Quotes
“The thing we don't want to do is overstate the benefits, but there is all kinds of proof that exercise, both physical and mental, increases brain activity.”

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