Oren Peli Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Oren Peli quotes and sayings page 3 (55 year old producer). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 33 we have for him.
“Don't know if I'm a nerd - I'm more of a geek.”
“I'm pretty content with what I have, but the one thing that I don't have is something like the iPod - but PC-based. I think that would be cool.”
“It's always about finding the right balance between answering some questions and raising new ones to keep your story going.”
“Gory stuff can be shocking but it doesn't really scare me. I'd say the kind of stuff that gets under my skin is the unknown. You hear a knock behind a wall and you don't know what it is. Is there something there or not?”
“I believe that whenever I want to learn something I can learn it much better and faster by myself if I'm motivated to learn it as opposed to kind of doing it in more a standard, institutionalized way.”
“I do not buy CDs any more; I usually stream Internet radio. For movies, I hardly every buy any DVDS. I have a DVR, so just record things off HBO, Showtime and so on.”
“I don't know if I would say that I'm specifically a history buff. I do find a lot of things fascinating, especially anything that's bizarre or mysterious and unknown and we don't have all the answers for.”
“I pay a lot of attention to box office because I understand it. TV ratings? I don't know how to interpret them, since I'm new to TV, so I'm just going to wait for somebody to tell me.”
“I think that horror, in general, is fairly popular. It's definitely popular in film. There's just not a lot of good horror on TV, so whenever there is good horror on TV, people rush to it.”
“I think the tricky balance, the most important thing more than the horror is to have a compelling story, compelling drama, a show about great characters that you care about and you want to come back every week to see what they're up to.”
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