Patricia Heaton Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Patricia Heaton quotes and sayings page 3 (67 year old actress). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 52 we have for her.

Patricia Heaton Quotes
“And I find it very easy to memorize the scripts, which are so close to conversations my husband and I have.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“I just don't know a couple that's been married more than three years that doesn't annoy the heck out of each other every 15 minutes.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“I felt totally released from the need to make it as an actress. I had experienced complete fulfillment in something that had nothing to do with me being in the spotlight.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“I think Raymond is very honest about human relationships.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“What I found in the Protestant faith was that your salvation is secure, and that the rest is process.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“I have always believed that when you're feeling sorry for yourself, the best thing to do is help someone else.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“I was raised Catholic and I'm Presbyterian now, but I've always been a Christian, regardless of denomination. I believe that Jesus is the way.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“I'm sort of a slob.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“Again, I find it difficult to be taken care of and rarely acknowledge it, and every act he does registers, but I also just need to verbally acknowledge him and hug him.”
Patricia Heaton Quotes
“When it comes to accepting emotional support or affection, I'm a little guarded and hardened to that.”

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