Patti Stanger Quotes & Sayings (Page 6)

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Patti Stanger quotes and sayings page 6 (63 year old businesswoman). Here's quote # 51 through 60 out of the 64 we have for her.

Patti Stanger Quotes
“It's not easy to date when you're hefty. Besides I like feeling thin because it makes me feel amorous.”
Patti Stanger Quotes
“We have all loved a guy we know has issues. Despite popular opinions, until we give it a final try, the relationship will always be in the 'what if' stage.”
Patti Stanger Quotes
“I was a D student in high school and on the dean's list in college.”
Patti Stanger Quotes
“I'd like to adopt an older child, maybe 5 years old.”
Patti Stanger Quotes
“It's not hard to find a date if you are Jewish in New York and Miami, but its hard in Texas.”
Patti Stanger Quotes
“The only way you'll have a pen of potential Romeos from your past to choose from is to actually have a past.”
Patti Stanger Quotes
“There is no 100 percent pre-nup.”
Patti Stanger Quotes
“We've heard some theories, but there is a lot of mystery surrounding my adoption.”
“Men like to provide for women and their families. It's in their DNA. I'm obviously no scientist, but I bet if you could hear a Y-chromosome talk, it would say, 'I want to provide and hunt.' When the woman is the primary breadwinner, it's going against nature. I'm not saying that it's bad or wrong, I'm just saying that it can feel off.”
“If you're a successful woman, chances are that you spend a ton of time working. You're probably on your email a lot, taking phone calls and going on regular business trips that don't involve your man. He can start to feel left out of a very important and very time-consuming part of your life.”

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