Peter Hain Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Peter Hain quotes and sayings page 2 (75 year old politician). These are the last 7 out of 17 quotes we have for him.

“We now have a political process, we've had a period of parties that have been fighting each other quite literally with bombs and bullets, talking to each other, and having sat together in the assembly and sharing government with each other.”
“You can get on with your job. I'm going to get on with mine. And mine is to deliver for the people of Northern Ireland, that's what they expect from me and I'm not going to be deflected by interesting academic or media speculation or attempts to take the whole debate back.”
Peter Hain Quotes
“A lot of leading countries in the world, including the United States and Russia, have to take their responsibilities much more seriously to ensure we are back on the road to peace and stability.”
“It's been fascinating watching all those pictures of me with a lot more hair Jeremy, and looking very young. And we've all got things we've said, twenty, thirty years ago, indeed the whole world has changed since then.”
Peter Hain Quotes
“I was never Vice Chair of the Troops Out Movement.”
Peter Hain Quotes
“I've had very good meetings with Unionist leaders, Democratic Unionist Party, Ian Paisley and his team.”
“That Sinn Fein, as I've already indicated, their leaders have already indicated that's what they want to achieve - once we get that credible statement, then we can get around the table and start to move forward, and I'm confident we can do so.”

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