Pierre Salinger Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Pierre Salinger quotes and sayings page 3 (deceased public servant born on Jun 14, 1925). These are the last 7 out of 27 quotes we have for him.

Pierre Salinger Quotes
“There have not been children of comparable youth in the White House since the Kennedy era.”
Pierre Salinger Quotes
“A funny thing happened on the way to the election - I got to the Senate first.”
Pierre Salinger Quotes
“American people simply will not countenance being lied to by their own President.”
Pierre Salinger Quotes
“I may be plucky, but I am not stupid.”
Pierre Salinger Quotes
“The death of JFK to the resignation of Richard Nixon marked a great turning point in American life.”
Pierre Salinger Quotes
“Whole generations have forgotten history.”
“He's the president of the United States. He's got to work 14 to 16 hours a day, run foreign and domestic policy. If he's got time for mistresses after all that, what the hell difference does it make?”

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