Richard Farnsworth Quotes & Sayings

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8 most famous Richard Farnsworth quotes and sayings. He was an American actor who passed away on 6 October, 2000.

Richard Farnsworth Quotes
“I don't know if you saw the parting of the Red Sea with the chariots on the horses, I did stuff like that.”
Richard Farnsworth Quotes
“I worked for John Ford, Howard Hawks, Henry Hathaway, Raoul Walsh - I worked for some real good directors.”
Richard Farnsworth Quotes
“I worked for Sam Peckinpah on quite a bit of action in his films, and he got excited once in a while.”
Richard Farnsworth Quotes
“No I didn't audition, I didn't even know David Lynch till the week before I started the film.”
“But I don't really care for directors flaring up and trying to humble some actor, which they would do to try and make an example out of them so everybody else would stay on the ball - and David wasn't anything like that.”
Richard Farnsworth Quotes
“David Lynch was very good, very patient with us, and the reaction in the United States seems pretty good.”
Richard Farnsworth Quotes
“I was a stunt man for 35 years.”
Richard Farnsworth Quotes
“I worked with Cecil B DeMille quite a few times.”

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