Rinke Khanna Weight Height

2024 Body stats

Rinke Khanna weight
Not available
Rinke Khanna height
5 feet (152 cm)


Rinke Khanna full name
Rinke Jatin Khanna
Rinke Khanna birthplace
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rinke Khanna date of birth
July 27, 1977
Rinke Khanna date of death
October 22, 2011
Rinke Khanna location of death
Not available
Rinke Khanna cause of death
Not available
Rinke Khanna zodiac
Rinke Khanna ethnicity / ethnic background
Not available
Rinke Khanna nationality
Rinke Khanna religion
Not available
Was Rinke Khanna gay?
Not available


Rinke Khanna job


Rinke Khanna
Pritish Nandy Communications, the production company who produced this film (Pritish Nandy Communications → This file has been extracted from another image: File:Jhankaar Beats Movie Poster.jpg. ) CC-BY-SA-3.0 [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/], via Wikimedia Commons
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