Roy Ayers Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Roy Ayers quotes and sayings page 2 (84 year old musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 32 we have for him.

Roy Ayers Quotes
“Some people really trip on success or popularity. My friends would talk to me about that, about tripping on all this stuff, but you know what I tripped on? I started buying property.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“A lot of the hip hop artists don't write music. They write words.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“I don't like rap that you can't understand. The youth is so quick and alert.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“I think music all the time.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“I was with PolyGram; that was the big label that I was with for the longest, like 12 years.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“I'd definitely love to play in Nashville again. That would be really good.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“I'm celebrating my 40th year in show business this year.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“Now I get exposure first with people directly in the clubs. This is a unique situation for me.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“I was being an artist, being sensitive and technical as artists are. I'm sure Leonardo Da Vinci did that. Artists don't always feel the same as others feel about their work.”
Roy Ayers Quotes
“Artists don't always know. Almost every song I ever recorded that was a hit at the majors that the promotional people picked I didn't think it would be a hit. I was wrong every time!”

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