Sevyn Streeter Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Sevyn Streeter quotes and sayings page 2 (38 year old musician). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 36 we have for her.
“Conversation without you trying to be sexy can still come off as very sexy. Trust me!”
“Every year of my life, my dad has sent me a Valentine's Day gift. Whether I was in the same house or across the country, he always sent something.”
“Growing up, I always wanted to be a singer, and I've done that.”
“I did 'Showtime at the Apollo' when I was 10, and it was the first time that I'd ever performed on TV, and it felt great.”
“I feel like R&B is really based off of emotion and truth. R&B is a conversation.”
“I just want to give people the best album that I possibly can.”
“I swear I pick up little gems from every artist that I work with. That's why I'm so appreciative that I've been able to be a songwriter first.”
“I wanna be able to stand on the stage and hold out the mic and people sing all the lyrics to my song.”
“I would love to do a record with Usher.”
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