Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Sherwin B. Nuland quotes and sayings page 2 (scientist). Here's quote # 11 through 20 out of the 44 we have.

“Only the emerging specialty of psychoanalysis seemed to understand that mental maladies are not fully analogous to physical disease. They resist classification, and might better be known by their symptoms and the individualized sufferings of patients than by assigned names.”
“Though moral axioms to guide the conduct of the practitioner have existed since the beginnings of the profession of healing, Western doctors are most likely to view the Hippocratic Oath of approximately two-and-a-half millennia ago as the first codified set of statements to which they can look for guidance.”
“Too many of the elderly do not have the family or the communal attachments necessary to feel valued; too many are widowed or otherwise alone; too many live in surroundings where they are essentially without the companionship necessary to stimulate a mind in danger of deteriorating.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“At times, morality can be dismissed as a matter of personal conscience, no matter how widespread its acceptance. Ethics, on the other hand, arises from societal or group commitments to principia of behavior.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“Not death but disease is the real enemy; disease, the malign force that requires confrontation. Death is the surcease that comes when the exhausting battle has been lost.”
“The Scientific Revolution, that remarkable transformation of European thought that occurred between approximately 1550 and 1700, brought with it an ascendancy of the experimental method and the refusal to believe any explanation of natural phenomena that could not be proven to the satisfaction of the empirical observer.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“Both individual fulfillment and the ecological balance of life on this planet are best served by dying when our inherent biology decrees that we do.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“Death belongs to the dying and those who love them.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“I never had a conscious fear of death, but I did have a conscious fear of sickness. By the time I completed medical school, that fear was gone.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“The dignity we seek in dying must be found in the dignity with which we have lived our lives.”

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