Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes & Sayings (Page 4)

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Sherwin B. Nuland quotes and sayings page 4 (scientist). Here's quote # 31 through 40 out of the 44 we have.

“Whether wisely or not, one of the first priorities of the incoming Obama administration was to present a package of healthcare benefits, which, to no one's surprise, produced an uproar in Congress and an assortment of polls declaring that the majority of Americans were opposed to it.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“I have not seen much dignity in the process by which we die. The quest to achieve true dignity fails when our bodies fail.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“I was, in the 1960s, in a marriage. To use the word 'bad' would be perhaps the understatement of the year. It was dreadful.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“If there's one operation for a disease, you know it works. If there are 15 operations, you know that none of them work.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“We have had a rewarding relationship, the belly and I.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“Though President George W. Bush made some small noises about his intention to present some form of improved health coverage, nothing grew out of them.”
“Being someone who had had a very difficult childhood, a very difficult adolescence - it had to do with not quite poverty, but close. It had to do with being brought up in a family where no one spoke English, no one could read or write English. It had to do with death and disease and lots of other things. I was a little prone to depression.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“I have been following the attempt to initiate or revamp federal involvement in the health of Americans since it was a major topic for my high school debating team in 1947.”
“It's unnatural to believe death usually has a beauty and a concordance and is usually a coming together of your life's work. It leads to frustration for the patient. And it leaves grieving families convinced they did something wrong.”
Sherwin B. Nuland Quotes
“Of all the named structures within the abdomen and the chest, those associated with reproduction retained the mysteries of their willful behavior long after others had been solved to the satisfaction of physicians and philosophers.”

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