Steve Biko Height Weight Ethnicity Age Birthplace Bio Background


Steve Biko full name
Stephen Biko
Steve Biko birthplace
King William's Town, South Africa
Steve Biko date of birth
December 18, 1946
Steve Biko date of death
September 12, 1977
Steve Biko location of death
In police custody, in the Police Room 619
Steve Biko cause of death
Not available
Steve Biko zodiac
Steve Biko ethnicity
Steve Biko nationality
South African
Steve Biko religion
Was Steve Biko gay?
Not available

2025 Body stats

Steve Biko weight
Not available
Steve Biko height
Not available
Steve Biko shoe size / feet size
Not available
Steve Biko body type / build

Education background

Steve Biko high school
Not available
Steve Biko college
University of Natal Medical School


Steve Biko job
Anti-apartheid activist
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