Steven Michael Quezada Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)
Steven Michael Quezada quotes and sayings page 2 (62 year old actor). These are the last 7 out of 17 quotes we have for him.
“No. I didn't look at the last few scripts. I didn't want to read them because I'm a 'Breaking Bad' fan. I wanted to experience it with everyone.”
“We have to remind people how important arts are. People just don't see it.”
“We've taken some performing arts schools on the set of 'Breaking Bad.'”
“Why are we casting all these stand-up comedians to do 'Breaking Bad,' one of the most dramatic TV shows ever?”
“I've been doing a late-night talk show out here in New Mexico now, 'The After After Party.' We're going to finalize a deal to be in 50 million homes. How blessed can I be, man?”
“The good news about New Mexico is we bring a lot of movies, a lot of television series out here, so I'm hoping I continue to work out here in New Mexico along with being part of my community.”
“You gotta understand, there weren't a whole lot of roles for Hispanics in the Eighties, so comedy was really the way I could really feed myself and eventually feed my family. I was an actor who learned to be a comic, and it's cool to come back and get back into acting - move forward in the direction I started out to do in the beginning.”
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