Vash Young Quotes & Sayings (Page 2)

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Vash Young quotes and sayings page 2 (author). These are the last 3 out of 13 quotes we have.

Vash Young Quotes
“Very few persons go through life without at least one big chance. The fact that so many do not grasp it is due more often to fear than to any other one thing.”
“I know the joy of skating on a clear cold day. I know the joy of getting off a perfect drive in golf. I know the delight of a fine meal after a long walk. These are real and wholesome, but all of them put together can not approach the thrill of ridding yourself of fear!”
“Time and time again, as a boy, I was humiliated. I celebrated my first day in long pants by going to a dance where I fell sprawling on the floor, and was so ashamed that I jumped up, ran away and left my girl to get home the best way she could.”

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