Walter Lippmann Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)

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Walter Lippmann quotes and sayings page 3 (journalist). Here's quote # 21 through 30 out of the 45 we have.

Walter Lippmann Quotes
“Most men, after a little freedom, have preferred authority with the consoling assurances and the economy of effort it brings.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“The study of error is not only in the highest degree prophylactic, but it serves as a stimulating introduction to the study of truth.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“Success makes men rigid and they tend to exalt stability over all the other virtues; tired of the effort of willing they become fanatics about conservatism.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“The radical novelty of modern science lies precisely in the rejection of the belief... that the forces which move the stars and atoms are contingent upon the preferences of the human heart.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“Ages when custom is unsettled are necessarily ages of prophecy. The moralist cannot teach what is revealed; he must reveal what can be taught. He has to seek insight rather than to preach.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“Unless the reformer can invent something which substitutes attractive virtues for attractive vices, he will fail.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“A long life in journalism convinced me many presidents ago that there should be a large air space between a journalist and the head of a state.”
“In government offices which are sensitive to the vehemence and passion of mass sentiment public men have no sure tenure. They are in effect perpetual office seekers, always on trial for their political lives, always required to court their restless constituents.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“The great social adventure of America is no longer the conquest of the wilderness but the absorption of fifty different peoples.”
Walter Lippmann Quotes
“The simple opposition between the people and big business has disappeared because the people themselves have become so deeply involved in big business.”

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