“I liked Berkeley tremendously, Berkeley was a very leftist campus. I came to love that city as much as I love Paris or the south of France or New York.”
“I really believe in the radical viewpoint. And I have always believed that one's politics and the character of his particular work are inseparable.”
“I think, and I've thought this for a long time, that we live, roughly speaking, in the last generation of human beings.”
“It isn't that secrets are never needed in security. It's that they are never desirable.”
“No right of private conversation was enumerated in the Constitution. I suppose it never occurred to anyone at the time that it could be prevented.”
“I am not convinced that lack of encryption is the primary problem. The problem with the Internet is that it is meant for communications among non-friends.”
“I call up Amazon. It seems to me they do a major thing wrong, right. I mean, they protect me against the loss of a $50 liability I have of something on my credit card, but they do nothing to protect me against somebody who is watching to see what books I'm interested in, what new perversions I've developed.”
“I certainly enjoy going on stage and lecturing and talking to Congress. That's a personality explanation. And given government proposals, I thought I had a clear view that they were antagonistic to human freedom.”
“I guess, in a very real sense, I'm a Gnostic. I had been looking all my life for some great mystery... I think somewhere deep in my mind is the notion that if I could learn just the right thing, I would be saved.”
“I was, from early on, interested in science. And my parents were very obliging about that. My father used to take me to the museum of natural history, and I knew much more scientific stuff early on. From the time I was 11 or 12, I wanted to be a mathematician.”