William Quigley Quotes & Sayings

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5 most famous William Quigley quotes and sayings (artist).

William Quigley Quotes
“Art should be witty, like a good Eddie Murphy movie, to make your life a little easier and better.”
William Quigley Quotes
“I love Boston.”
William Quigley Quotes
“I never wanted to be someone who's asking someone to put my work in their gallery. I wanted to be asked.”
“People go into a gallery, and they're afraid to express their opinions about art. No one's afraid to say, 'Keanu Reeves was bad in that movie.' We see so many films that we can tell who's faking it. But with art, we can't always tell.”
William Quigley Quotes
“I love Boston. I come here all the time and play pick-up ice hockey with friends in Concord and Bedford.”

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