Zoe Lister-Jones Quotes & Sayings (Page 3)
Zoe Lister-Jones quotes and sayings page 3 (actress). These are the last 8 out of 28 quotes we have.
“I think all our characters are an amalgam of people we know in our world and ourselves.”
“I think growing up in New York, you see so much at such a young age, there's no bubble to escape into.”
“I'm a health-food junkie, so all of my food is a splurge, money-wise!”
“See, I will always shop, and that's sort of a problem. Clothes are always exploding out of my closet!”
“There's a lot of people desperately seeking to find 'the one,' and I think we should learn to be more at peace with ourselves.”
“There's no shame in owning a New Kids on the Block t-shirt. They were my first concert when I was eight.”
“I think a lot of people, especially women, feel like to be whole, you need to find part of yourself in another person - probably because of the fables we're told as kids.”
“Most single women have been in that situation where there is a silent guy in your group. You don't see him as boyfriend material. He's just there, but you know all the same people.”
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