Adrian Edmondson Quotes & Sayings

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21 most famous Adrian Edmondson quotes and sayings. These are the first 10 quotes we have for him. He's a 68 year old English actor born on Jan 26, 1957.

Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“Richie and Eddie couldn't exist without each other. They're two halves of the same person.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“On stage, we just want to generate hysteria. We don't care about looking cool or posing.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“A lot of people are obsessed with looking cool. They feel they have to look after their image.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“There is a lot of rubbish written about toilet humour - people saying it is childish and pretending it is beneath them - but there is no doubting the effectiveness of a really good willy gag.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“I've always had a kind of visual eye, and it was a pleasant exercise for that.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“Performers like Tommy Cooper, who are always getting things wrong, are much more endearing than comedians who are sassy and smart.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“From the stage I've seen people of all ages absolutely roaring at really good toilet humour.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“We had so much fun in Ghana and they are really lovely people.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“I'm waiting for the time when I fail - because we all fail - and I'm ready, I'll take up carpentry.”
Adrian Edmondson Quotes
“I've never played a hero before so I jumped at the chance.”

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